About Us
You've taken the first step to building a better website.
Learn about our company, our process and how we optimize creative collaborations to improve your website building experieince for greater results.
Brief History...
Cooperata as a company, has been around for over 35 years. It began as a small company operating before high-speed internet was readily available and affordable, before iMacs and before the web was so integrated into our culture.
In 2003, the WordPress CMS was released as a blogging platform and continued to grow in popularity to eventually power over 43% of the internet. In 2008, we built our first website with WordPress and never looked back.
Hard to believe we did design work on these tiny screens.
Mission: Possible.
No longwinded mission statements here. We believe in straightforward no-nonsense business. Our process is simple: we work with you to produce the best online experience within your budget designed to deliver results.
Welcome creative collaborator!